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5 tips how to upsell salon services: elevate your salon business

Ever wish there was a way to boost your salon's revenue without compromising on client experience? “How to upsell salon services” isn't about pushy tactics, but rather about strategic recommendations that enhance the client journey and unlock their full beauty potential. 

This article dives into 5 easy-to-implement techniques that will leave your clients feeling pampered and your business thriving.

5 upsell ideas for your business

Upselling in the salon is about creating a truly exceptional experience for your clients. By suggesting additional services or products that complement their desired look and address their specific needs, you can help them achieve optimal results and leave them feeling confident and pampered.

Ready to unlock the upselling potential within your consultations and after-service interactions? Let's explore five upselling ideas you can incorporate into your daily routine.

Targeted recommendations during consultation

The consultation is your golden opportunity to go beyond a generic “what can I get you today?” and delve into the heart of what your client truly desires. Instead of a one-size-fits-all pitch, use this time to understand their unique goals and any hair or beauty challenges they face.

Here's the magic formula:

  1. Ask open-ended questions that spark conversation. Don't just settle for “a trim.” Explore their desired look with questions like, “What hairstyle are you hoping to achieve?” or “What do you love most about your current hair?”. Similarly, inquire about problem areas. Phrases like “Have you noticed any dryness or frizz lately?” or “Are there any specific concerns you have with your skin?” open the door for them to share their struggles.
  2. Once you have a clear picture of their goals and challenges,  recommend an additional service that directly addresses their needs. This personalized approach shows you're genuinely invested in their satisfaction.  

For instance, if a client mentions having dry hair and wanting more volume, suggest a deep conditioning treatment then a bouncy blow-out. Explain how the treatment will infuse moisture and the blow-out will enhance the volume they crave.

This targeted approach to how to upsell in a salon fosters trust and builds lasting client relationships. They'll see you as an expert who cares about their individual needs, not just a salesperson pushing products or services. Remember, satisfied clients are more likely to return and recommend you to others—a win-win for everyone!

Sample services

Have you ever gotten a free sample at the grocery store and ended up loving the product? This sales tactic translates perfectly to the salon world! Sample services are a fantastic way to introduce clients to new treatments and pique their interest. Think of them as bite-sized experiences that leave them wanting more.

Here's how it works:  

Offer mini-treatments as add-ons to existing services. It could be a scalp massage incorporated into a haircut, a quick hand treatment during a manicure, or a chair massage while their hair color processes. These mini-services take minimal time (think 5–10 minutes) but can leave a lasting impression. Imagine the delight of a client experiencing the stress-melting benefits of a scalp massage for the first time! By letting them feel the difference firsthand, they'll be much more likely to book a full scalp massage treatment on their next visit.

The key is to choose sample services that complement the existing service.  A scalp massage with a haircut makes perfect sense, while offering a teeth whitening sample during a facial might feel out of place. This thoughtful approach showcases how the additional service can enhance their overall experience.

Sample services are a win-win. Clients discover treatments they might not have considered, and your salon increases its service offerings and potential revenue. It's a small gesture with big results!

Package deals

Who doesn't love a good deal? Package deals are a fantastic upselling strategy that entices clients with both discounted prices and a curated experience. Imagine the scenario: a client comes in for a haircut. By offering a package that combines their haircut with a brow shaping service at a reduced price, you're presenting them with an opportunity to enhance their look and save money at the same time.

The key lies in bundling complementary treatments.  Think facials paired with relaxing scalp massages, haircuts combined with brow shaping, or pedicures with paraffin wax treatments. These pairings offer a well-rounded experience that caters to different areas of beauty.

Here's the beauty of packages: they incentivize clients to try something new. Maybe they wouldn't have considered a brow shaping service on its own, but the bundled price and convenience might make it tempting. This allows them to discover services they might genuinely love, leading to repeat bookings in the future.

Package deals are a powerful upselling tool because they offer a clear value proposition. Clients get a premium experience at a discounted price, while your salon sees an increase in overall service revenue. It's a win-win for everyone involved!

Highlight upgrades

Sometimes, a gentle nudge in the right direction can lead to an even more luxurious experience for your clients. Highlighting upgrades is a subtle upselling technique that allows you to showcase the benefits of premium services without being pushy.

Here's the approach:

Casually mention a higher-tier option during your service discussion.  For example, when discussing a haircut, you could say, “We also have our master stylists available who can provide an in-depth consultation and personalized haircutting experience.” Frame this upgrade as a way to achieve even better results, like achieving a complex hairstyle or addressing specific hair concerns.

Think beyond haircuts; the concept applies to various services. When discussing a facial, you might mention, “For an extra touch of pampering, we offer facials with customized masks tailored to your unique skin needs.” This subtle suggestion allows clients to consider the potential value of a more advanced option.

The key is to focus on the added benefits that the upgrade offers. Don't just mention a higher price tag; explain how the additional expertise or customization will elevate their results.  

Remember, happy clients are more likely to splurge on a premium service if they understand the extra value it provides. By highlighting upgrades in this way, you empower your clients to make informed decisions and potentially unlock an even more transformative experience.

Post-service upsell salon products

The magic doesn't have to end after the service is complete! Post-service upselling is a strategic way to enhance the client's final results and subtly suggest additional treatments.

Focus on areas where an additional service could elevate their new look.  After a haircut, you might point out how a brow tint could further define their facial features and complement their fresh hairstyle. 

Remember, the goal isn't a generic pitch. By personalizing your recommendations, you showcase your expertise and genuine care for their complete satisfaction. Explain how the additional service would seamlessly tie into their existing results, creating a more polished and cohesive look.

Here are some more examples of post-service upsells you can use in your salon:

  • Haircut: recommend a scalp scrub to remove product buildup and stimulate hair growth or suggest a hair mask to address specific concerns like dryness or frizz.
  • Manicure/Pedicure: mention a paraffin wax treatment for extra hydration and softer skin or suggest a nourishing cuticle oil to maintain healthy cuticles between appointments.

Think of post-service upselling as the final brushstroke on a masterpiece. It allows you to ensure your clients leave feeling confident and radiant, while also introducing them to the potential benefits of further treatments.  This approach fosters trust and loyalty, encouraging them to return for a truly comprehensive beauty experience.

Wrap it up

There you have it! These five “how to upsell in a salon” techniques are easy to implement and can significantly boost your client satisfaction and revenue. 

By strategically proposing additional services and products, you can elevate the client experience, address their unique needs, and create a win-win situation for everyone. So why not give these upselling strategies a try and watch your salon business flourish?


What is an example of upselling in a salon?

Upselling goes beyond simply offering a service or product. It's about strategically suggesting additional treatments that enhance a client's original choice and address their specific needs. Think of it like recommending a delicious appetizer to complement a main course at a restaurant.

Example: A client books a haircut. You might upsell a deep conditioning treatment if they mention dry hair, creating a more well-rounded hair care experience.

How to upsell a client?

The key to successful upselling is genuine care and personalization. Ask open-ended questions about their desired look and any problem areas. Based on their answers, suggest additional services that directly benefit them. Focus on how it complements their chosen service and elevates their overall experience.

When should you try to upsell services?

There are several ideal moments to upsell:

  • During consultations: this is your golden opportunity to understand their goals and recommend services that address their specific needs.
  • After a service: point out areas where an additional treatment could further enhance their results, creating a more polished final look.
  • When a client mentions a concern: if they mention dry hair or tired eyes, suggest solutions like a deep conditioner or an eye mask treatment.

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Last updated on Jul 26, 2024

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