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How to notify clients about price increases in the salon and not lose them

Navigating price adjustments in the salon industry can feel like walking a tightrope. It's crucial for growth, yet the impact on valued clients is a real concern. I can see why salon owners might be hesitant to raise prices: quick announcing a price hike without explanation can breed resentment.

But there are good news: price increases are a normal part of business. By communicating clearly and focusing on the value you provide, you can keep your customers happy and your salon thriving.

This guide aims to empower you with the tools to craft a transparent and considerate salon price increase notice. We'll delve into each step, ensuring your message resonates with your loyal clientele and can keep them on board.

The need for change

Before drafting that crucial salon price increase notice, it's essential to recognize when and by how much to adjust your prices.

Even more: navigating the delicate dance of raising salon prices requires finesse. Balancing exceptional service with a sustainable business isn't just about “when” and “how much”,  it's about maintaining client trust and perceived value. Here's how to ensure your price adjustments resonate and propel your salon forward:

The timing: crafting the right rhythm

While annual reviews are standard, consider a more nuanced approach. Monitor market trends, competitor pricing, and operational costs throughout the year. This allows for nimble adjustments, preventing sticker shock from larger, infrequent hikes. Remember, graduality fosters acceptance.

The “How much”: balancing value and viability

The recommended 3-5% increase should be a starting point, not a rigid rule. Dig deeper. Analyze specific expenses (rent, products, training), service enhancements, and your unique value proposition. A salon introducing cutting-edge techniques or premium products can justify a higher increase by effectively communicating the added client benefits.

Consider a Chicago salon that incorporates an organic hair care line. A 4% salon price increase, coupled with clear communication about the product's eco-friendly credentials and enhanced client experience, not only retained existing clients but also attracted new, environmentally conscious patrons.

Clearly explaining the reasons behind price adjustments is crucial. In the upcoming sections, I'll explore how to craft an empathic and transparent message that focuses on the continued value clients receive. Remember, acknowledging the need for change fosters understanding and strengthens client relationships.

How to announce price changes with confidence

Raising prices can feel really hard. But with thoughtful communication, you can maintain client trust and loyalty even amidst necessary adjustments. Here's how:

  • Transparency is key: openness fosters trust. Explain the reasons behind the increase – rising costs, service enhancements, etc. Frame it as a step towards better service and reiterate your commitment to client satisfaction.
  • Directness breeds confidence: Avoid apologies or justifications. Running a sustainable business benefits everyone, from you and your employees to your loyal clients. A confident tone reflects the necessity of the change.
  • Gratitude builds rapport: thank your clients for their support. Emphasize how much you value them and highlight the additional value they'll receive with the adjusted prices.
  • Receive feedback: involve clients in the conversation. Invite their feedback to show you value their opinion and seek a mutually beneficial solution. Address any concerns they raise directly.
  • Timely communication is respectful: clearly state the effective date and whether existing appointments honor the old rates. Give a 4-6 week notice period to avoid surprises.
  • Multi-channel communication is essential: utilize email, text, social media, in-person interactions, and Square Appointments to reach every client – no matter their preferred communication method.

Master the beauty business

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  • Openness and honesty are paramount.
  • Reinforce the value you provide and the reasons behind the change.
  • This not only retains clients but also positions your salon as transparent and client-focused.

By following these tips, you can navigate salon price increases effectively, maintaining trust and strengthening your client relationships. Let's move on to creating a salon price increase letter.

How to write a salon price increase notice: a clear and professional guide 

In the beauty industry, open communication is vital for trust and client loyalty, especially when adjusting service prices. A well-crafted salon price increase letter assures clients of your commitment to quality while informing them of the change respectfully. This guide explores crafting effective notifications and implementing them thoughtfully.

Key insight: seeing a price increase as a sales conversation can be a game-changer. Emphasize your existing value, highlight how the increase translates to better service, and anticipate concerns with clear explanations. By offering incentives and showing appreciation, you can turn a price hike into a chance to solidify customer loyalty.

Emphasize quality and transparency:

As I said, your goal is to explain the adjustment while highlighting your unwavering dedication to quality service. Keep your message clear, concise, and considerate, ensuring clients understand the value they receive from the new pricing. Here's the structure:

  1. Introduction: briefly explain the need for the adjustment, focusing on maintaining high-quality services. Don't forget — you have to sell the service to the client again, just with new conditions.
  2. Price details: clearly state the new prices, comparing them to old prices if relevant. Transparency builds trust.
  3. Effective date: include the specific date when the new prices take effect, allowing clients to plan accordingly.
  4. Appreciation and openness: express gratitude for their patronage and offer to answer any concerns, providing contact information.

Implementing your notice:

Use multiple channels to reach all clients:

  • In-salon signage: display clear, professional signs in reception and other visible areas.
  • Digital communication: utilize email newsletters and social media platforms to reach less frequent visitors.

Examples of salon price increase notice

Here are some examples of salon price increase letter, covering different scenarios and formats.

General notice (email or website):

Subject: Important update: service price adjustments at [Salon Name]

Dear valued clients,

We are writing to inform you of upcoming adjustments to our service prices, effective [date]. This decision was not taken lightly, and we want to assure you that it reflects our continued commitment to providing the highest quality services and experiences possible.

Reasons for increase:

  • Briefly explain the reasons for the salon price increase (e.g., increased costs of products, equipment, rent, or staff training).
  • Optional: briefly highlight any improvements or investments being made to justify the cost increase.

Price Changes:

  • Outline the specific services affected and the new price points.
  • Consider offering a price list comparison table for clarity.

Appreciation and Gratitude:

  • Express your appreciation for their understanding and continued support.
  • Offer any additional information or resources (e.g., FAQs, pre-booking discounts).


The team at [Salon Name]

Personalized notice (Email or letter):

Dear [Client Name],

We hope this email finds you well. We're reaching out to inform you of some upcoming adjustments to our service prices, effective [date].

We understand you've chosen [Salon Name] for [reason] and value your continued patronage. This adjustment reflects our commitment to providing the exceptional [service] you deserve, while [brief explanation of reasons for increase]. 

Consider a Chicago salon that incorporates an organic hair care line. A 4% salon price increase, coupled with clear communication about the product's eco-friendly credentials and enhanced client experience, not only retained existing clients but also attracted new, environmentally conscious patrons.

Specifically, the price of your usual [service] will increase from [old price] to [new price]. This adjustment reflects the increased cost of [specific factors related to the service].

We appreciate your understanding and continued support. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.


The team at [Salon Name]

Key takeaways

Craft your price increase letter to avoid apologies and focus on the sale.

  • Frame it as an investment: instead of saying “prices are going up,” say “we're investing in...” Highlight how the increased price allows you to invest in better, higher-quality products (mention specific brands or ingredients if possible).
  • Focus on benefits: don't just say “more expensive cosmetics,” explain the benefits for the customer. Talk about how the new products will give them longer-lasting results, enhance their experience, or offer a wider range of options.
  • Celebrate upgrades: position the price increase as an exciting move for your salon. Talk about how you're constantly striving to improve the service you provide and the results you deliver for your clients.
  • Express gratitude: thank your clients for their loyalty and highlight how their continued support allows you to make these improvements.

Clear, sincere, and timely communication is essential for successfully navigating salon price increase. By emphasizing your value proposition and showing appreciation for your clients, you can ensure a smooth transition and strengthen client relationships. Remember, the goal is not just to inform, but to reassure your clients that their satisfaction and experience remain your top priorities.

Additional tips

  • Consider offering special promotions or discounts to ease the transition.
  • Highlight any service improvements or upgrades that justify the price increase.
  • Be prepared to answer client questions and address concerns with empathy and professionalism.

By following these tips and tailoring the communication to your specific salon and clientele, you can effectively communicate price increases and maintain a strong foundation for your business.

Tough price conversations with clients: tips for retaining loyalty

Salon price increase can be a tricky subject, and clients may express varying reactions. Here are some tips to manage these difficult conversations while keeping customer loyalty at the forefront:

Before the conversation:

  • Segment your audience: consider tailoring your communication based on client type and relationship. Loyal, long-term customers may require a different approach than new clients.
  • Prepare talking points and solutions: anticipate potential objections and have solutions or alternative options ready. This demonstrates flexibility and your commitment to meeting their needs.

During the conversation:

  • Actively listen: let the client express their concerns without interruption. Validate their feelings and acknowledge the impact the price increase may have.
  • Emphasize value: focus on the value your product or service delivers. Highlight improvements, new features, or benefits they'll receive with the adjusted price.
  • Offer flexible solutions: if possible, consider offering tiered pricing options, discounts for longer contracts, or grandfathering existing clients at the old price for a limited time. This shows understanding and a commitment to finding solutions.
  • Focus on the future: reassure the client of your commitment to their success and continued investment in providing value. Highlight future plans and improvements they can benefit from.

Maintaining loyalty:

  • Be patient: allow time for clients to adjust. Address their concerns promptly and consistently.
  • Prioritize communication: keep clients informed of any further developments or changes. Open communication fosters trust and understanding.
  • Invest in customer relationships: show clients they're valued through personalized service, exclusive offers, or loyalty programs.
  • Gather feedback: ask for feedback on the salon price increase and their overall experience. This shows you care and are open to improvement.


  • Professionalism is paramount: stay calm, respectful, and solution-oriented, even when facing difficult emotions.
  • Honesty is crucial: be transparent and avoid making false promises.
  • Focus on win-win solutions: aim to find a solution that benefits both you and the client.

By following these tips, you can approach difficult price conversations with confidence and minimize the impact on client relationships. Remember, retaining loyal customers is crucial for long-term success. By demonstrating value, understanding their concerns, and offering solutions, you can navigate this transition smoothly and maintain strong client relationships.

Frustrated with price fluctuations and product shortages?

Between supply chain disruptions, overstocking on unused inventory, and constant price hikes, it's no wonder salon owners struggle with price adjustments. Here's the good news: you don't have to settle for this frustration! Sapleri simplifies your life by connecting you directly with a network of verified, top-quality suppliers. No more scrambling to find the best deals or worrying about product availability. Plus, Supleri's free inventory management system helps you avoid unnecessary costs and overstocking, keeping your pricing on point and your business running smoothly.

Final thoughts

Raising salon prices, while requiring careful strategy and communication, ultimately presents a thrilling opportunity for growth and evolution. By embracing these adjustments with transparency, directness, and an unwavering commitment to quality, you not only ensure the sustainability of your business but also solidify your reputation for excellence

This, in turn, fosters deeper client relationships and paves the way for attracting new clientele who value your dedication to their satisfaction and the industry as a whole. Remember, by actively engaging with your clients and fostering open communication, you can navigate price adjustments with confidence, propelling your salon towards a future of success and continued client loyalty.

Frequently asked questions

How to announce price increase in salon?

Announce a price increase in your salon by being transparent and direct. Use signage, social media, and personalized communications to explain the reasons and highlight service enhancements.

How do you write a letter of increase price?

In your price increase letter, clearly state the new prices, the reason for the increase, and the effective date. Express appreciation for your clients' loyalty and invite feedback.

How to tell customers about price increase?

Inform customers of a price increase by utilizing all communication channels available, like email, texts, and in-person conversations. Be honest about the reasons and emphasize the added value they'll receive.


How to announce price increase in salon?

Announce a price increase in your salon by being transparent and direct. Use signage, social media, and personalized communications to explain the reasons and highlight service enhancements.

How do you write a letter of increase price?

In your price increase letter, clearly state the new prices, the reason for the increase, and the effective date. Express appreciation for your clients' loyalty and invite feedback.

How to tell customers about price increase?

Inform customers of a price increase by utilizing all communication channels available, like email, texts, and in-person conversations. Be honest about the reasons and emphasize the added value they'll receive.

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Last updated on Jun 06, 2024

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